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Robyn's Pond Blog for September 2020

Last Updated: 9/28/20

1. On 9/6/20, the air temperature was at 82 degrees F at 1:13 pm but it felt hot to me! The 1800 gallon pond was at 72 degrees F, and the 153 gallon pond was at 74 degrees F. I squirted all the filter materials, put in additives, and topped off all the ponds. I hacked at the weeds around the 20 and 50 gallon tub ponds which were almost completely hidden. I found that someone (raccoon probably) had knocked over the 2 gallon pot in the 20 gallon tub pond and made a muddy mess. I removed the mostly empty pot. I could see tadpoles in the pond but nothing else is in there of note including no plants. I'll have to put fish food in for the tadpoles because they can't live on mud!

2. The air temperature was 75 degrees F at 11:48 am on 9/13/20. The 1800 gallon pond was at 70 degrees F, and the 153 gallon pond was at 71 degrees F. I changed the PondMaster filters. I squirted out the Biosteps' matala. I squirted off all the filter flosses. I put some fertilizer in the two surviving waterlilies in the big pond. The season is over now. Even though one of the lilies put out a flower, and the other put out maybe two flowers this year, I never had the pleasure to see one of the flowers open because they opened during the day while I was at work. None opened on the weekend so I lost out. I topped off all the ponds and put in additives.

3. At 12:49 on 9/20/20, the air temperature was 64 degrees F. The 1800 gallon pond was at 59 degrees F, and the 153 gallon pond was at 64 degrees F so quite the temperature drop in a week! I squirted off all the filter materials and the bioballs. I put in additives and topped off all the ponds.

4. I did pond work on 9/27/20 to your utter surprise. At 1:52 PM, the air temperature was a toasty 72 degrees F. The 1800 gallon pond was up to 69 degrees F, and the 153 gallon pond's water was at 68 degrees F. After squirting off all the filter materials, putting in additives, and adding water to the ponds, I wrestled the full leaf nets on the two largest ponds by myself.

Continue to the October 2020 pond blog.

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